Jewelry Care Guide

Deljolil Jewelry Care Guide

The following care instructions can help protect and extend the life of your handcrafted jewelry.

When not in use, remove and  store your jewelry in a cool, dry space for safekeeping.

A best practice is to keep your jewelry in a fabric-lined case that has compartments and dividers, to prevent scratching and tangling. Fastening the clasps of your jewelry before storing will also keep chains from becoming entwined. It is also recommended to roll beaded bracelets on and off, rather than pulling them, to avoid excess stretching.

Avoid chemicals and products that can cause potential damage to your jewelry.

Always take off your jewelry before cleaning, performing sports, or going into a pool. Even everyday products such as hairspray, lotion, and perfume can be damaging to certain types of metals and colored gems. When putting on your jewelry, a good rule to follow is last on, first off. Use a soft cloth when cleaning to remove natural body oils and other buildup after wearing.